Join the Championship team, CHAMPIONSHIP ENERGY GROUP
Offering Fixed and Competitive Energy Rates!!!
Championship Energy Group, located in Reading, Pennsylvania is an independent associate of Stream. In the late 90’s and the early 2000’s many states began to deregulate electricity services. The deregulation of energy has allowed Championship Energy Group and Stream to give you the opportunity to control your electricity costs.
Being an independent associate to one of the country’s largest direct-selling electricity and natural gas suppliers allows Championship Energy to give you the peace of mind by offering competitive fixed rates. No one ever again, should have to deal with price volatility of variable rates.
Championship Energy’s focus is to bring you and your family the opportunity towards a better life. Championship Energy Group and Stream help make a difference in your community. We make every effort to give you quality service, while keeping costs down for our families and business owners.
Together with Action Track USA, Championship Energy Group has put together a great program for the Racers, Crews, and Fans to “EARN” FREE Grandstand Passes, Pit Passes, Registrations, and T-shirts.
Championship Energy Group, is an independent associate of Stream who is one of the many energy suppliers that you can choose to provide your electric and gas services. So, why not choose the one who supports the sport you love!
Did you know that you have the option to choose your own energy supplier? Deregulation has opened the energy market allowing Stream to offer fixed and competitive rates. Although your local utility company provides the poles and wires, you have the choice to decide who provides the kilowatts to your home. The utility still delivers the electricity, reads your meter, and sends the bills. You just save money.
Championship Energy, can secure for you a FIXED & COMPETITIVE RATE with Stream and you will have a choice of 6 months, 1 year, and even up to 2 years. With honest, straightforward pricing, no gimmicks or hidden fees, they offer flexible billing options for your convenience: from your mobile device, desktop, phone, or by mail.
Choose Championship Energy Group and start taking control of your energy costs today.

Thinking Ahead With Switching Energy Providers
When it comes to your energy service provider, it pays to plan ahead. Consider some of the following predicaments when researching which provider is right for you.
Look Out For Lurking Contract Fees – Hidden contract fees are hands-down the worst; all it takes to steer clear of an unwelcome surprise is a little bit of reading ahead of time. Take the time to read the fine print of any plan you might be considering.
Only Pick ‘Em if You Trust ‘Em – Simple enough. You wouldn’t buy a monkey’s paw from someone giving you the heebie-jeebies. Energy plans are the exact same deal. You may not actively consider it on a daily basis, but your energy is a big part of your life; you’re going to want to trust your provider from start to finish. Stream is founded on the concept of human connection, and so trust is ingrained into how we approach providing.
Word of Mouth is Worth Something – Ask your friends and relatives who they use, and who they like to use. Companies that treat their customers right often times don’t even have to do the talking, their customers will do it for them.
Looking for a Good Start – Doubling back on this because it’s doubly important: read ahead to avoid hidden contract fees. Perhaps the most diabolical of the bunch are the hidden sign-up fees, as well as potential turn on/disconnect fees. Charging someone more from the start for picking you is simply wrong. In the same thread of thought, early cancellation fees and minimum usage fees are sinister in their own right. If you can’t find it in writing anywhere, but you’re still suspicious, call your provider and ask them point blank.
Know Where You’re Heading – Something worth considering when shopping around for your energy plan: how long you plan to reside in your current abode. Why, you ask? Because should a move loom on the horizon, the last thing you’d want to discover is a fee to transfer your service from one location to the next. Again, ask your potential provider if there would be a fee to transfer your service should you happen to move. It’s well worth weighing in your consideration of who to pick.
One final thing to keep in mind when picking the service provider right for you: Stream offers EZ Pay. That’s right, we’ll cover the early termination fee (up to $150) of your current provider, so that you can breathe easy starting an energy plan right for you. Yet another way that Stream keeps it simple!

6 Reasons to Make the Switch
Are you unsure whether or not switching to Stream Services is right move for you? Looking for three good reasons for why you should switch? Here are six.